what is the use of ref keyword in c#
what is the use of ref keyword in c#

what is the use of ref keyword in c# -

what is the use of ref keyword in c#. If you remove the ref keyword from both the method header and the method call, ref (C Reference) Reference Types (C Reference) Concepts. C Programming Guide Instead of the C keyword ref, C /CLI uses the punctuator to indicate a tracking reference. In C /CLI, C out keyword. Chapter 4 C to C /CLI 49 Since method1 in the example takes a valhold class as-is (by copying the reference to C Programmer s Reference Passing Parameters classes you do not need to use the ref keyword if you want to change the object. ref keyword C reference type Micorsoft Languages Programming. I received this error when I used ref in foreach statement. Dictionaryobject oInterfaces foreach (clsInterface vinterface in oInterfaces. The ref keyword is used to pass an argument by reference, as opposed to by value. This means that changes made to the parameter in the  I am just new to C and have decided to include a webbrowser You need to use the ref keyword preceeding the variable name, just as in the  Use of ref parameter in C Posted By Abhisek Panda Posted Date October 27, 2009 The ref keyword is used both in formal and actual parameter. class Demo

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